Here are the steps in starting dogwoods from cuttings: Remove the bottom set of leaves from the stem. Cut the remaining leaves in half if they are long enough to touch the soil when you bury the end of the stem 1.5 inches deep. Fill a three-inch pot with rooting medium. Click to see full answer. Also, can you root a dogwood tree from a cutting?Not all dogwood cuttings will succeed, so it’s a good idea to plant several cuttings. The cut ends are dipped in rooting hormone, then buried in a pot filled with rooting medium. Cuttings must be kept moist and protected from direct sunlight until they become established.Also, how do you root a red twig dogwood? If you want to propagate red twig dogwoods, take hardwood cuttings in late fall. Look for a stem that is as wide as a pencil. You should cut it into 6-inch to 9-inch sections with a bud near either end of each cutting. Take off side branches and dip it in rooting hormone. Regarding this, how long do hardwood cuttings take to root? three to four weeks What trees can be grown from cuttings? Semi Ripe/Semi-Hardwood Cuttings Plants such as camellia and honeysuckle often root well from semi-ripe cuttings. Azalea: These are among the most popular flowering plants. Camellia: This plant is known for its large and bright flowers. Honeysuckle: This is a popular ornamental shrub.