Answer and Explanation: A baby spider is called a spiderling. Spiderlings.Click to see full answer. Just so, what do baby spiders eat?For instance, there are miniscule insects called springtails that are almost certainly on the menu. Fruit flies and baby crickets are just as commonly eaten in nature as they are fed by humans to baby pet arachnids. how many babies can a spider have? Spiders will lay between 2 and 1000 eggs, depending on the species. Almost all female spiders protect their eggs by making a silk ‘bed’ and then covering them with a silk ‘blanket’. She then wraps them in more silk to make the egg sac. She hangs the sac someplace safe and guards it until the babies hatch. In this regard, what is baby pigeon called? Young dependant pigeons are commonly known as ‘squabs’. Pigeon Nest. with 2 Eggs. Both parents feed the young with a special ‘pigeon milk’ that is regurgitated and fed to the squabs. Each squab can double its birth weight in one day but it takes 3 days before the heart starts beating and 4 days for the eyes to open.Do mother spiders eat Dad?Matriphagy, or mother-eating, is exceedingly rare in nature, but Jo-Anne Sewlal, a fellow of the Zoological Society of London, says that the behavior has been documented in some species of insects, nematode worms, and other arachnids.